Overview |
1. Administrative Setup
The administrative setup at BSPHCL is as follows ..
2. Duties, Mission and Objectives
The duties of the Company have been defined in Section 18 of the Electricity Supply Act, 1948. It has been charged with the responsibility of promoting a co-ordinated development of generation, supply and distribution of electricity in the State of Bihar on an efficient and economic basis of management.
Though BSPHCL deals in only one product, i.e., electrical power, its significance and utility value is enormous for the State. Almost all aspects of modern life-style are dependent on it in one way or another.
In order to ensure that its responsibilities are discharged effectively and efficiently, the Company has engaged nearly 1,700 officer and 14,850 staffs on various posts to generate its own power and to maintain proper distribution system. It arranges to supply the electricity properly to the consumers and maintain their equipments.
The responsibility of catering to entire state means BSPHCL must always be able to understand present as well as future trends of power consumption. It has to formulate and implement schemes for power generation so that growth in demand can be met successfully in time.
Sometimes, it also becomes necessary for BSPHCL to purchase power from outside agencies in order to meet the local demand.
As on today, the installed generating capacity of BSPHCL in terms of its Thermal and Hydro-Electrical plants, exceeds 559.2 MW.
The Company has its full-fledged Accounts and Audit Department for proper keep-up of its financial transaction as also to ensure efficient financial management on the commercial line.
The Company has also its personnel wing to safeguard the interest of all its employees. The bio-data and service records of the employee have been computerized at its Headquarters.
The entire organization of the Bihar State Power Holding Company Ltd. has been set up keeping in view the functions entrusted to it i.e., coordinated development of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity in the State.